Saturday, March 28, 2020


Police Brutality at its worst in Kenya

Friday March 27 2020 marked the first day of Kenya's National Daily Curfew from 7 p.m to 5 a.m amidst the unprecedented global health crisis . In the Presidential address on the state interventions to cushion Kenyan's against economic effects of COVID-19 Pandemic, it was stated that the Daily curfew shall be in effect in the territory of the Republic of Kenya, with all movements by persons not authorised to do so or not being Medical Professionals, Health Workers, Critical and Essential Services Providers, being prohibited between those hours. This was a well-intended comprehensive and multi-faceted National response that sort to incorporate policy measures and behavioural protocols to further complement the global measures of flattening the curve of increased COVID19 patients and deaths. How was this implemented by Kenya's law enforcement officers at the Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA)?

In Mombasa County, one of the forty-seven local governments in Coastal Kenya, the Likoni Ferry Crossing showed a scene of Police and Commuters clashing at least one-hour to the National curfew. The police clobbered innocent commuters and threw teargas at the crowds further causing a pandemonium. Mombasa residents have termed the incident as inhuman, barbaric and criminal and have urged the government to be careful with how they serve them.  Speaking to the NTV last evening, Governor Ali Hassan Joho condemned the chaos and brutality that happened in his county. He called upon the National Government to give a directive to employers to release their employees early enough to be able to beat the curfew time requirement. 

The ferry commuters sparked an outrage in the country resulting in an orderly and more human measures being seen today where social distancing and orderliness is being exercised as the commuters are served. Non-motorised transportation has now been given priority of use as the motors are now restricted to use the ferry between 11am to 2pm.

Public Service or Public Bullying?

As a Collective that advocates for Love for humanity, we wish to make the following recommendations to the National Government, County Governments as well as the Kenyan Public with regards to implementing the Daily Curfew Presidential Directive:

1. There's need to provide clear enforcement regulations for the National Police Service;
2. Further provide directives to employers to release staff between 3 and 4pm from their workplaces;
3. Put mechanisms to offer assistance to those unable to beat the curfew through dialogue and concessions on modalities of implementations in the different counties;
4. To incentivise public transportation providers through tax cuts and/or fuel prices standardisation;
5. For the Special Interest Groups - Youth, Women and Persons living with disabilities, have law enforcement officers treat these groups with care during this period;
6. To allow the essential service providers with travel permits, and include media specifically to exercise press freedom for transparency and accountability; and
7. Finally, the public must endeavour to exercise compliance to assist the Country to curb the spread of the virus.
Stop Police Brutality in Kenya

The Power Tower Kenya will Continue to monitor the situation and endeavour to sensitive the Kenyan public to exercise responsibility and compliance with Kenya's laws as well as recommendations from the Global Partners - among them, the World Health Organization that has been at the fore front in disseminating Public Information about the COVID -19 Health Pandemic.

Communications Dept.

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